Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am feeling the energy of gratitude, like warm rivers of tears, washing through my heart. I am so deeply grateful for so much. I am blessed beyond measure. I am rich beyond limitation. I am one with all love. One with all joy. One with all abundance. Every day now - this will be my third - I have been deeply going over everything and everyone I am grateful for - and I keep doing this until I begin to cry. Now, the gratitude is warmed up, like molasses that has been heated, and its flowing freely. I can cause myself to cry at a moments notice - just by thinking of people I am grateful for - how beautiful and wonderful they are. Even people I knew long, long ago. I have been blessed with the presence of so many angels in my life.

Gratitude is truly the magical elixir - and I am using this powerful, transcendent, extremely resources emotion to create abundance in my life. A grateful heart knows how rich it is - regardless of whatever material wealth appears to be. An ungrateful heart can be surrounded with mansions and material wealth beyond measure, but still live in a shrunken dungeon of fear and poverty. We are rich because we love, and are loved - for love is the gold we carry within - deep in the sacred chambers of our hearts.