Monday, January 4, 2010


Breathing in, I open the energy portals in my hands to the Quantum Unified Field of Love.... Breathing out, I let go and allow that Love to flow through my hands and be communicated where it will. My job, my only job, is to open, allow, and let-go. To become nothing, no-thing, through which this Energy can be communicated.

I am not here.

It just appears to be so. There is no body - there is only this shape and this form that I have agreed with others to be real.

Appearances are not real - only Love is real.

Love IS. I am. Love IS all that I am. In Beingness, there is no here or there, where or when - there is only I AM - which is everywhere and nowhere. Let me remember the no-thingness of my body - so that I can know - always - that I am Love.