Saturday, January 23, 2010


My spiritual job in this life is to be a transmitter of Universal Healing Life-Force Energy, or Love. My "day" job is being a lawyer - a sole practitioner in general practice - and in terms of finances - this has been one tough month. I go in and out. One day, I keep up a great attitude of gratitude. The next, I am in the dumps. I am glad that Christine and I go into the dumps when the other person is feeling good. Yesterday was a rough one for me. Today, I am so grateful, because this is my real job.

My real job is to drop into the Quantum Unified Field of Love, and communicate this Love to others for their highest healing, good, joy, and abundance. Today, I totally re-affirmed my commitment to give this Love/Energy through my hands every day in a row for 12 years. Again, I am so grateful because this Love feels so beautiful, so ecstatic, as it flows through my hands.

I "sent the Love" twice today - this last time I did a 30 minute session. I felt so good, so incredible. This Love - this Energy - this is the Source of real wealth for me. And it stirs my heart to refer to the Divine as "Mother" or the "Goddess" - but ultimately words are words. I believe it is all the Same.

Not sure what I am saying, or even trying to say. I feel really joined with this Love right now - and tears flow free.