Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alas - the New Name

The Global Healing Collective....

It is a much easier name to speak, to say, and it flows better. I have let-go of pasting names in my physical book - and instead I am simply placing the earth between my hands - and all people who are in all the prior books of the Universal Life Force Energy Exchange - all people of the now Global Healing Collective - and I send the Love into that quantum space.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The name will transition?

I have always wondered about the name, Universal Life Force Energy Exchange, and I am itching to change it, but should I? Maybe. Maybe not.

I also feel like this whole thing is simplifying and evolving to being simply a network of light-workers who 'place' the earth between their hands and transmit love to every life form on this planet. That is where it feels this while thing has been going over the last year.

So I may change the name and I may not.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Year 2 begins

I made it through year 1. Ever single day I transmitted Divine Energy to everyone I pasted into my book. And I have done my Yoga breaths every day as well. I am very grateful. All the rest of my commitments fell away. This year I am on a roll with loving myself unconditionally, which has been very challenging because of issues with my family of origin.

I am not even sure what I am doing with this Exchange. I certainly am not telling people about it. I am just sticking with sending the Love every day.

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