Saturday, January 23, 2010


Dear Mother Universe, break apart the cells and atoms of this body-illusion... let the love flow free... let the love flow free... oh please... please... dissolve me... let the love flow free...

May these hands of mine... be not hands any more... but waves upon waves of bliss and light... love and freedom... truth and wisdom. I dedicate these hands, oh Universal Mother, to the light and joy cascading, pounding, exploding through them. May these hands cease to exist in their illusory, dream form... may I see them as mere windows, through which the river of true Universal, Omniscient Love can flow free... for the benefit of all contained in this Exchange.

May every last person in my book feel this Love in their hearts, minds, and bodies... and receive this Love for their highest and greatest good. Let me disappear in this process, disappear... may I become a mere drop in the river...