Thursday, January 7, 2010


I am so grateful... SO GRATEFUL...

As I drove Liam and Prasad through the frigid 9 degree weather for lunch at Sonic... I started going over in my mind what I was grateful for... and one thing led to another. It became a snowball, and tears of gratitude poured down my face. I am so rich. I am so wealthy. I have so much to be thankful for. I have been blind so many times in my life to all these riches, all this wealth of love and joy and miracles, and all this wealth of material possessions as well. I am so blessed. So... I have decided to consciously and deliberately shed tears of gratitude every day for the rest of 2010! I can do this while I drive - God knows spending hours a day and 30 to 40 thousand miles a year on the roads of the Kansas City Metro area - I have plenty of time to spin and churn my heart of gratitude to the point of crying. Tears of gratitude are potent - and they cause the Universe to really listen to us, and to respond.