Wednesday, January 20, 2010


To hold an inner reality firmly in the center of mind, even though what appears on the outside doesn't yet reflect that inner reality - here is true growth. I have been focusing deeply and holding an inner picture, an inner blueprint of abundance - and on the outside - my law practice appears at the moment to be a barren landscape of frozen earth. However, today, I feel the inner reality much stronger. Let me try and word it differently:

We grow immensely as creative beings when we can hold deep and fast to an inner reality - even though what is going on around us doesn't jive with it. Creating our reality can take time, and the lag time between when we form our deepest intentions, and when the world begins to reflect those intentions, can be arduous. But it is in this hallway that we grow the most.

I am so honored, and so grateful to say YES to extending Universal Love through my wide open hands and heart - to everyone in my book, to all of life. In my diamond heart of exploding, ecstatic love, I know that the Love I extend into life makes a difference. One way or another, this Love, this Energy, is helping the world to evolve. All I can do is say THANK YOU to this River.