Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have chanted Om-Shrim-Maha-Lakshmi-yei-Swaha 5,184 + times in 6 days, and I feel a deeper connection to the Feminine Principle of Abundance - to the Endless Universal Supply. I chant this Mantra to attune myself to the energy of abundance - and more than anything else - to make a personal, deep, heartfelt connection with the Divine Mother as expressed through the Goddess of Wealth - Lakshmi.

Each repetition of this sacred mantra, I dedicate and transmit into this Exchange - may all contained here experience spiritual wealth, mental and creative wealth, emotional and relationship wealth, health and energy wealth, and material and money wealth. May we all realize how rich we are in spirit, and may these spiritual riches translate perfectly into all other kinds of wealth.

I realize - deeply and completely - that I own nothing. Yes, money can be "deposited" into a bank account associated with my name on a computer. But ultimately, it is only in my "name" for a short time, and ultimately, I take none of it with me when I die. So I own nothing. Money stays here, in this world of illusion, as an illusion. Love goes with me - the love I give is stored in my spiritual bank that I take with me into eternity.

Having said that - and with this understanding - it is okay to temporarily have as much or as little of money that I wish. As it comes to me, I give it away. While I have it - may I imbue that money with spiritual energy and riches so that everyone else who touches or is impacted with that money - feels and receives these blessings as well.

So - in the name of the Feminine Principle of Abundance - I am deeply grateful that this last week has been much more prosperous than the dry desert of the weeks before. Thank you!

Transmitting the Universal Love

Today is day 30 of my 4,380 day journey of 1) transmitting the Universal Love every day in a row for at least 12 minutes ad a time, and 2) doing my spiritual breaths as I have learned from my spiritual teacher. I haven't missed a day, and I am feeling really ecstatic. I am feeling the Love thunder and crash and pour and flood and cascade through my mind and body - through the quantum openings in my hands - and into these pages - into and through the higher selves - and into the minds and bodies of all within this Universal Life Force Energy Exchange.

I am an Energy Therapist, a sacred Transmitter of Universal Healing Energy/Love. This is my life's work, my life's passion. Everything I do in this world, I do to attract people with whom I can silently give this love to - unconditionally - and over this 12 year period of time. When I sandwich this book between my hands, breath open my heart to the Universe, and allow this Love to flood through my hands - my goal is to let go of the thought of being a body completely - to disappear into nothing - so that only LOVE IS. Nothing, for me, is more ecstatic.

Nothing is more ecstatic than to flood Love through the human body with such intense devotion and force that the human body itself reveals to me its magnificent non-existence. As Love gushes and pounds and thunders through every atom of this human body - the body flowers in ecstatic nothingness.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha, (prounounced Om, Shreeem-Maha-Lock-shmee-yay-Swa-ha)

On Monday, I chanted this mantra 864 times. I chanted it again on Tuesday for 864 times. And I am on my way to another 864 repetitions today. I chant this mantra to manifest wealth in all forms in my life: wealth of spiritual awakening and growth, wealth of a clear, creative mind, wealth of a healthy strong body, wealth of love and intimacy in all my relationships, and wealth in finances and money. I surrender this book, this Exchange, to the Divine Universal Mother, expressed through Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. I will chant this Mantra 864 times a day for the next 40 days - for the purpose of deepening my consciousness of oneness with the Divine Goddess. Each Mantra is a gift to Her. This will equal 34,560 repetitions.

My purpose is to dive into the Vibration of the Mantra - to merge my whole mind, body, emotions, and energy into the deepest truth of the Mantra. To have every cell, every atom of my body, singing the Mantra. To install it with powerful intensity into my consciousness that I begin to become the Mantra - to let go - and allow the Mantra to become me - to where I am chanting it consciously, subconsciously, and superconsciously.

The secret: is to become one with HER - the Divine One - the Giver of Life, Love, Wisdom, and Wealth. To become one with the Universe. To shed the illusions from my consciousness that prevents me from seeing and feeling this oneness. May each repetition be an act of Love to Her - a pouring out to her - an emptying. May I Love HER more than Her gifts - which are infinite. In this devotion - in this Love - I allow myself to receive, because I deserve it.

I dedicate this book and all the pages in it to making victorious the power of Love in this world - and Lakshmi - She is all giving, generous Love. May SHE bring into these pages all those people who can benefit from the Love/Energy pouring through my hands, and through the hands of many others.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


My spiritual job in this life is to be a transmitter of Universal Healing Life-Force Energy, or Love. My "day" job is being a lawyer - a sole practitioner in general practice - and in terms of finances - this has been one tough month. I go in and out. One day, I keep up a great attitude of gratitude. The next, I am in the dumps. I am glad that Christine and I go into the dumps when the other person is feeling good. Yesterday was a rough one for me. Today, I am so grateful, because this is my real job.

My real job is to drop into the Quantum Unified Field of Love, and communicate this Love to others for their highest healing, good, joy, and abundance. Today, I totally re-affirmed my commitment to give this Love/Energy through my hands every day in a row for 12 years. Again, I am so grateful because this Love feels so beautiful, so ecstatic, as it flows through my hands.

I "sent the Love" twice today - this last time I did a 30 minute session. I felt so good, so incredible. This Love - this Energy - this is the Source of real wealth for me. And it stirs my heart to refer to the Divine as "Mother" or the "Goddess" - but ultimately words are words. I believe it is all the Same.

Not sure what I am saying, or even trying to say. I feel really joined with this Love right now - and tears flow free.


Dear Mother Universe, break apart the cells and atoms of this body-illusion... let the love flow free... let the love flow free... oh please... please... dissolve me... let the love flow free...

May these hands of mine... be not hands any more... but waves upon waves of bliss and light... love and freedom... truth and wisdom. I dedicate these hands, oh Universal Mother, to the light and joy cascading, pounding, exploding through them. May these hands cease to exist in their illusory, dream form... may I see them as mere windows, through which the river of true Universal, Omniscient Love can flow free... for the benefit of all contained in this Exchange.

May every last person in my book feel this Love in their hearts, minds, and bodies... and receive this Love for their highest and greatest good. Let me disappear in this process, disappear... may I become a mere drop in the river...

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Twenty one days into a four thousand three hundred eighty day journey. Wow. I am plodding along, with little baby steps, into eternity. Lately, I have been experiencing a major lull in income - to the point where I go through major periods of total stress. Yet, I am very grateful for every penny that comes to me, because it all comes from the Divine. I am one with the Divine. One with inexhaustible supply. I must deepen my knowing of this oneness during these walks through the desert.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


To hold an inner reality firmly in the center of mind, even though what appears on the outside doesn't yet reflect that inner reality - here is true growth. I have been focusing deeply and holding an inner picture, an inner blueprint of abundance - and on the outside - my law practice appears at the moment to be a barren landscape of frozen earth. However, today, I feel the inner reality much stronger. Let me try and word it differently:

We grow immensely as creative beings when we can hold deep and fast to an inner reality - even though what is going on around us doesn't jive with it. Creating our reality can take time, and the lag time between when we form our deepest intentions, and when the world begins to reflect those intentions, can be arduous. But it is in this hallway that we grow the most.

I am so honored, and so grateful to say YES to extending Universal Love through my wide open hands and heart - to everyone in my book, to all of life. In my diamond heart of exploding, ecstatic love, I know that the Love I extend into life makes a difference. One way or another, this Love, this Energy, is helping the world to evolve. All I can do is say THANK YOU to this River.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I am so deeply honored, humbled, and grateful to feel Universal Love flowing through my wide open heart and relaxed hands for the greatest healing benefit and good of all contained in this Energy Exchange. I pray that my hands will disappear into the light of Love - and that Love will be all that remains. I am now 15 days into this 12 year journey. I have communicated Love every day so far. Haven't missed a day. And I am feeling the ecstasy and the sweet joy of Love flood through me even more. I feel the Energy - and as my heart expands even more in gratitude - tears fall - and I know I am right where I need to be. In my heart of hearts - I know that this Universal Life-Force Energy, this Quantum Love, is making an impact on all those I "send" it to. I just know it. I can't see it. I communicate the Love - then let go.

It is better, really, that I don't personally know most of the people I am sending the Love to - in this way I can be the silent giver - totally anonymous. I am so grateful, so deeply grateful to the point that my heart feels crushed in joy for the privilege of giving this Love.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I am

I feel
the River

Monday, January 11, 2010


That which I choose to create, to manifest, to make real in my life - if I first let go of it - release it internally even before it shows up in my life - then that makes it more likely to come to me.

I do not grasp, but allow.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I breathe deeply in - expand my heart - and I step out of time
and into love.

I breathe smoothly out - and through my wide open heart - I transmit that love
to all moments of time.

Love is the

that encompasses all moments of time

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am feeling the energy of gratitude, like warm rivers of tears, washing through my heart. I am so deeply grateful for so much. I am blessed beyond measure. I am rich beyond limitation. I am one with all love. One with all joy. One with all abundance. Every day now - this will be my third - I have been deeply going over everything and everyone I am grateful for - and I keep doing this until I begin to cry. Now, the gratitude is warmed up, like molasses that has been heated, and its flowing freely. I can cause myself to cry at a moments notice - just by thinking of people I am grateful for - how beautiful and wonderful they are. Even people I knew long, long ago. I have been blessed with the presence of so many angels in my life.

Gratitude is truly the magical elixir - and I am using this powerful, transcendent, extremely resources emotion to create abundance in my life. A grateful heart knows how rich it is - regardless of whatever material wealth appears to be. An ungrateful heart can be surrounded with mansions and material wealth beyond measure, but still live in a shrunken dungeon of fear and poverty. We are rich because we love, and are loved - for love is the gold we carry within - deep in the sacred chambers of our hearts.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I am so grateful... SO GRATEFUL...

As I drove Liam and Prasad through the frigid 9 degree weather for lunch at Sonic... I started going over in my mind what I was grateful for... and one thing led to another. It became a snowball, and tears of gratitude poured down my face. I am so rich. I am so wealthy. I have so much to be thankful for. I have been blind so many times in my life to all these riches, all this wealth of love and joy and miracles, and all this wealth of material possessions as well. I am so blessed. So... I have decided to consciously and deliberately shed tears of gratitude every day for the rest of 2010! I can do this while I drive - God knows spending hours a day and 30 to 40 thousand miles a year on the roads of the Kansas City Metro area - I have plenty of time to spin and churn my heart of gratitude to the point of crying. Tears of gratitude are potent - and they cause the Universe to really listen to us, and to respond.


Time is running smoothly. Seven days into this journey, I am feeling more and more centered into the depth of love within me. I am discovering the manifesting power of love: to "place" what I wish to manifest between my hands - and to flood the power of Universal, Cosmic Energy and Love into that - and to churn the heart of gratitude so deeply that the whole Universe feels that gratitude of mine. I am so grateful that... as I breathe deeply, continuously, opening my heart to Universal Love - and pouring that Love into what I am grateful, in advance, has come into my life. Love is the most awesome, powerful, manifesting force in the Universe. Whatever I place between my hands and consistently send this Love into - will - and has already - manifest.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The cracks and crevices of our fragility are perfect open spaces through which the river of our magnificent love can flow into form, into manifestation. I vow to be vulnerable, open - through which I find the invincibility of pure love.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Breathing in, I open the energy portals in my hands to the Quantum Unified Field of Love.... Breathing out, I let go and allow that Love to flow through my hands and be communicated where it will. My job, my only job, is to open, allow, and let-go. To become nothing, no-thing, through which this Energy can be communicated.

I am not here.

It just appears to be so. There is no body - there is only this shape and this form that I have agreed with others to be real.

Appearances are not real - only Love is real.

Love IS. I am. Love IS all that I am. In Beingness, there is no here or there, where or when - there is only I AM - which is everywhere and nowhere. Let me remember the no-thingness of my body - so that I can know - always - that I am Love.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


To master love, I first must allow love to master me.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Time is an illusion created by the mind trapped in fear and guilt. Our fear of the illusory-future become the guilt of our dream-past. When we step into love, we instantly realize that time never was. When we step into love, we step out of time, and simultaneously, we can step into any point in time. Love is beyond - and love permeates all of time.

As I breathe slowly and deeply in, I open my atoms, mind, heart, and body to love beyond time.

As I breathe slowly and deeply out, I rest in freedom.

Friday, January 1, 2010


There is only one now. One moment. This one. This now is so big, so massive, that the whole eternal ocean of love can flow through it.

When the ocean of love is flowing through me, I realize that there is no place where my body ends, and love begins. There is only the ecstatic flow.