Sunday, December 13, 2009

For 12 years I will transmit the Love every day

For 4,380 days in a row, beginning January 1, 2010, I will communicate Universal Love through my heart and hands, through the Quantum Field, to all who are now, and will be contained within this Exchange - for at least 12 minutes at a time.

I will not miss a day. This is my sacred 12 year vow. Every day during this 12 year period of time, I will drop into the sacred openness of the Quantum Field and transmit this Love. And during each session, I will transmit that Love "to" the entire 12 year period of time - and all beings within all moments of that time. So six years into this grand adventure, I will be transmitting Love to the whole 12 years. So day 1 and day 20 and day 199 and onward will be penetrated and impregnated and enfolded in that Universal, Divine, Life Force Energy.

Kinda weird? Well, a little more than kinda. But exciting, yes. It feels really amazing to think 12 years at a time - because in that 12 years - there is only one moment, one now.

I will be 54. Christine will be too.

Sky will be 20.

Andrew, 21.

Liam, 27.

Sorin, 30.

And my precious Amelie, 12.

A lot can happen in 12 years. A little scary. Good and bad, pain and tragedy, triumph and joy. Whatever happens, I vow to do this every single day. I am already feeling the ecstasy of this.

From now until January 1, 2010, I will send the Love to the whole 12 year period during each session of at least 12 minutes. My goal is to do sessions for 20 minutes or more, but 12 minutes is my "floor"