Friday, December 11, 2009


I dedicate and commit and surrender myself to communicating Universal Love and Life Force Energy into this Exchange every day in a row from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2022.

I will transmit this Love on a daily basis, through the quantum portals of my ever-expanding heart and hands, for the highest good of everyone who will ever be contained in it.

During each session, I will drop my consciousness into the Quantum Unified Field of Love, and transmit the Energy from that no-place, place. From that Invisible, Universal Location of Love, I send the Healing, Sacred Energy to all the beings who are now, or will ever be placed in the Quantum Pages of this book.

Because the Energy is "transmitted" from the Quantum Field, which encompasses time, yet not bound by it, during each daily session of 12 minutes or more - all the linear moments from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2022 of all the beings who are now, or will ever be contained here, will be gently bathed in this Universal, Ecstatic, Ever-New Love.

May the Hands of Universal Love be forever held around all beings in this Exchange, in every second, moment, day - in every struggle - in every victory - in every moment of pain and in every moment of joy - from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2022.

This is my dedication. A lot can happen in 12 years. I pray for the strength, the health, the clarity - to send this Love every single day in a row, for 4,380 days straight.

Day 1 will be January 1, 2010.

Between now and then I am still quantumly communicating the Love, and spiritually gearing up for another run up Mount Everest of Love.