Sunday, February 14, 2010



For the past few days, I have been asking myself 108 deep, profound, spiritual questions that I have been writing and re-writing, and perfecting for the past year or so. I read through them in a deeply relaxed way this morning. A few minutes later, before I was to leave for the Sunday meditation service, I was looking on the internet at how Vice President Biden was verbally sparring with Dr. Evil, better known as former Vice President Dick Cheney. (half-way kidding about the Dr. Evil part). I mentioned it to Christine, and she wondered aloud why a former Vice President would attack a sitting president, and how "out of decorum" that was. Once she said that, I said, "well, that is just the way he is."

Then something deep and profound shifted in me. I loosened. Relaxed. I let-go. I felt myself shift back to a place of total acceptance. That's just the way Cheney is. Then this thought hit me a little while later:

It is what it is. Nothing can be done about it on the physical level that it appears to exist.

The whole point of "Cheney energy" is to draw me into the false belief that this world is really real. When I get mad, fume, fuss - and call him names - I get madder - and that is just what the energies of greed and anger want. The ego wants us to get angry - angry people feed off of people getting angry at them. They want, they need, they crave more anger.

For the first time in many years, I am not angry at Cheney. He just is. When I step back, relax, let-go, and allow him to just be what he is - then I am not emotionally drawn into the anger. I feel an openness, a freedom, a joy that tells me: the world, its illusions and problems, its wars and injustice, is not really real. It is a fiction, a slight of hand, a magic trick. My job is to learn compassion, love, understanding - and my ultimate job is to let-go, to transcend, to be who I am. To not be drawn into the drama of world events.

This brings me back to a John Grisham book I read, called The Appeal. (Spoiler alert!) In this book, the forces of greed and arrogance win. After reading feverishly through the book, I get to the end, and the bad guys win. I was disappointed, I felt robbed of all the time I spent racing to the end of the book, but there is a lesson here:

It is what it is. Nothing can be done about it on the physical level that it appears to exist.

If I get into the ring with the greedy corporations that have purchased our politicians and devour the earth and any human beings that get in their way - and I try and fight them on the level of their physical reality - I will lose every time. I am really getting it when Einstein said that the world's problems cannot be solved on the same level of consciousness that created them.

The world cannot be changed on the level of consciousness where the world exists. More specifically, I am not here to change the world, but to expand and heighten and transform my consciousness. To change the world, I believe we need to go to the causal level of consciousness and heal our own personal demons, our own greed, our own monstrousness, our own fear. To change the world, I believe we need to completely release the world, to let it go completely, to witness the world from our core spiritual consciousness as non-existent. Then the world will change gracefully before our eyes.

Or it won't.

And it doesn't matter - because - ultimately when the form of all we see passes from our sight, we will remain. Our consciousness, our souls, are eternal - and this play of light and sound - is a cosmic motion picture. We are the actors, and we are the audience.