Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I breathe in a circle.

Eyes closed, focused on the center of spiritual awareness between my eyebrows, slightly elevated.

Breathing in, I widen and expand the center of love in the middle of my spine, while also pulling it upward - to a place of consciousness beyond the body and beyond the conscious thinking mind. Merging with Universal Love

Breathing out, I pour that Love through my head, heart, hands - and into the pages of the Universal Life Force Energy Exchange - into all the beautiful smiling souls contained there - now - and all who will ever be contained there. I communicate Love through the Quantum Field - or Energy, Life-Force, whatever name is placed upon it. I communicate this Love and always, always endeavor to become nothing in this Love, no-thing, beyond all thoughts and all idea of being a body.

This is simple, but takes discipline.

Also, as I breathe in - slow and long - I imagine and intend that the curtains of my cells and atoms open up - allowing the magnificent Universe to peek through - and the Love - to shine through.

Revealing no body at all.

Today, let me keep this breathing rhythm up in every moment.