Monday, May 13, 2013

Another Transformation

This has transformed yet again, into......

Love Manifest Now

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alas - the New Name

The Global Healing Collective....

It is a much easier name to speak, to say, and it flows better. I have let-go of pasting names in my physical book - and instead I am simply placing the earth between my hands - and all people who are in all the prior books of the Universal Life Force Energy Exchange - all people of the now Global Healing Collective - and I send the Love into that quantum space.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The name will transition?

I have always wondered about the name, Universal Life Force Energy Exchange, and I am itching to change it, but should I? Maybe. Maybe not.

I also feel like this whole thing is simplifying and evolving to being simply a network of light-workers who 'place' the earth between their hands and transmit love to every life form on this planet. That is where it feels this while thing has been going over the last year.

So I may change the name and I may not.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Year 2 begins

I made it through year 1. Ever single day I transmitted Divine Energy to everyone I pasted into my book. And I have done my Yoga breaths every day as well. I am very grateful. All the rest of my commitments fell away. This year I am on a roll with loving myself unconditionally, which has been very challenging because of issues with my family of origin.

I am not even sure what I am doing with this Exchange. I certainly am not telling people about it. I am just sticking with sending the Love every day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One year in....

For this whole year, which brought many changes, I have transmitted the Love Energy into this Exchange every single day for at least 12 minutes at a time. And I have done Kriya Yoga every day. This is the first time in my life that I have made a resolution to do certain things, and then done them. 11 more years to go!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Transcendent Self-Love

Today, I began with a round of 108 Transcendent Self-Love Mantras that I was doing last year. I will do 125,000, starting today, along with the Gayatri Mantra, for the next year. I will do as many as possible for the next year.

Not only will I repeat this QUANTUM AFFIRMATION over 129,600 times, But I will vibrate it. I will feel it. I will broadcast it through my cells. I will transmit Universal Life Force Energy into it for the immediate benefit of all who repeat it. At least 129,600 times - but as many as possible for the next year.

How does this relate to my Gayatri Practice? To this Exchange?

I thought about just waiting, finishing my 125,000 Gayatri Mantra journey, then start the TSL journey. But why wait?

Well, this Mantra is in the book, so I have been bathing it in Universal Energy for this whole year.

As far as the Gayatri Mantra goes, I am finding them to be very complimentary. The Gayatri Mantra can be used to charge other affirmations, sounds, or to help bring them to manifestation. What I do is, repeat the TSL Mantra once before, and once after a round of 108 Gayatri's. And repeat the Gayatri once before, and once after, 108 TSL Mantras. The Light that is unleashed during the Gayatri recitations help to calm, dissolve, and transmute any goop that arises during my TSL recitations.

I feel such an urgency in intensifying my spiritual efforts, for myself and this planet.

How can I serve You, Divine Mother

The times i have gone
to the center

of my sincerity

and asked the Divine Mother:

How can I serve Thee?

The reply

comes echoing back:

Love yourself as deeply and completely
As I have always loved you,

As the Great Ones whom I have sent
again and again throughout the ages
love you.

Then you can truly say
that you love Me
that you

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 329

I am so grateful that for all of 2010, I haven't missed a day of transmitting Love/Energy into the quantum space of this Exchange.
It is reall exciting to me because so many times in the past I have started stuff and never followed through.

Here lately, I have been changing the Gayatri Mantra and sending that Energy into this Exchange. On most days I hold the book on my lap and chant aa round of 108 Mantras and intend that my hands are speakers and the Mantra is flowing into all contained in this Exchange. And I have really been feeling the Energy flow more intensely. It's like I have upped th ante, so to speak.

I have done 73 official rounds of the Gayatri over a 3 week period. 7,884 repetitions/vibrations. I am feeling a deepening of my spiritual awareness like never before. I am on my way to 125,000 repetitions!

This year has also proven, so far, to be successful as far as Kriya Yoga goes. I have not missed a day of doing these ancient breaths every day. That feels fantastic. I am feeling so much closer to God and the Divine. It is indescribable, and it has just begun.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wake up!

If this life is a dream – just like the Great Ones of all religions tell me – if this is true, then I go to the Dreamkeeper, and demand: WAKE ME! I am tired of dreaming, tired of sleeping, for a huge part of me knows that sleep and dreams will never give the soul any true REST. Only waking can do that.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My little container

I hold the cup of my heart


to the heavens within

the inside

of the inside

of my heart, mind, body, soul, energy…

and I drink

oh God

do I drink.

Fill me, Oh God

of Gods

Fill me, Oh Goddess of all


of All,

of All.

Fill me so sweetly, so gently

so powerfully that my little container


Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 316 - Grateful

I am very grateful to have transmitted Universal Energy into the quantum pages of this Life-Force Energy Exchange for 316 days in a row. That is really awesome. I am feeling more and more awake on a spiritual level. There have been so many times this year that all I could do was just place my hands on the Exchange, and ask that the Divine Love flow. It has definitely been worth it.

I decided to can my Godaddy website, because for a year it has just sat there, and everything I need to communicate, I can do on this blog.

I am really excited to have begun a Gayatri Chanting Marathon over the course of one year. I am up to 2,376 official mantras (official, meaning with my mala, or counting them) This doesn't count the ones that I chant outside of the rounds of 108.

It is my intention that the Energy and Light within this Mantra, as I chant, flow directly into this Exchange, and directly into all who are now, or will ever be contained here for their highest and greatest good. May each Mantra increase the vibration of this Exchange.


My 12 year commitment remains strong. I am really glad I have made it almost one year!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 255

With a deep breath
a really long slow deep breath in
I open the cobwebs of my cells and atoms
and let go
release finally and completely
the illusion
the burden
the heaviness
the stories
of being a frail, limited physical body.
At the most expanded place of my inhaling breath
I witness the body with love
And I realize myself as the Omnipresent
Bird of Flight.

As I release the breath
I simultaneously drop body consciousness and fill the body with light.

As I feel the love I am
tears well

These tears are God's messages
telling me that S/He is

They are all the proof I need.


It's day 255. Haven't missed a day yet of transmitting Universal Love/Energy into the Exchange. Haven't missed a day yet of doing my spiritual breaths. This past month I have really dove deep into the teachings of my spiritual path, which is opening many, many doors of consciousness within me. I have experienced much growth, and I am deeply grateful for. Yet I am finding that, as I reach for higher states of consciousness, and really begin to feel connected with God/dess, the lower armies of consciousness come at me in force to try and drag me back down. But, I just keep on plugging. I will not give up. Day in and day out. I am learning patience.

We live in a smaller home now, and are more comfortable. I can't believe we haven't always lived here. It feels like it. The two boys are doing okay - save for meltdowns here and there - and my beautiful daughter - my black diamond from Ethiopia - is a miraculous presence in my life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I will rise

I came on this earth
born to turmoil pain anger suffering
walking vulnerable through a battlefield
wishing I would die
that I was never

I came on this earth
to rise, to rise,
and rise
like a phoenix through the ashes
and remember my wings of
transcendent Love.

I came on this earth
on a great inner journey to
find my Teacher
and my home in Love.

I am on this earth to take up
my wings of freedom and fly
through the endless sky of
Omniscient Love
at One with the Divine Lover
who sent me.

I came on this earth to unleash
this flood of Love through me
to vanish the broken thoughts of
hate, the shattered dreams of sorrow,
and to awaken
to rise
and rise
rise again.

I came on this earth to remember
who I am
the Soul of Pure Love
at One with All Love

I came on this earth to shatter
the false memory of being
a frail weak human being
and to take my place alongside
the Great Ones
to walk with Them,
hands in hand, smiling
the light of the One.

Am I naive? Am I insane?

Yes, you are, the pain of this world says.
You are nuts, for who are you
to think you are so good
so high and mighty?
Who are you to think you are better
than me?
You had better come back here
and let me hold you in my misery
wrap you in my ugly shame
and try and smother your spirit
kill your dreams forever.

And I say,

And whats more,
you will surrender!
You will surrender without terms.
Unconditional surrender!

I come on this battlefield with reinforcements
this time!

I come onto this battlefield with the Great Ones
of past and present and future
this time!

I came holding the hand of my Teacher
and his Teacher
and his!

Just as the mountain surrenders
to the drop of water

so you will surrender to the Omniscient Love
within me.

You will.

I may fall on this battlefield, yes, I may.
If I fall, broken and shattered,
arrows of pain sticking out of my guts,
one thousand times,
then one thousand and ONE times
I shall rise.

I shall rise again and again and

For Love is patient



~~Daniel Peebles

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 226 challenges challenges challenges

Emotional challenges

I am grateful to be continuing on this sacred journey of merging with and transmitting Universal Energy through my heart and hands for the benefit of all life. In the past two weeks, I have had some painful experiences with my family of origin, mainly my mom. I think I have processed it mostly, and I am not sure I am even ready to write about it, but I will see. I think for now, I am just going to "table it" in my mind, not go to deep into it now, and move on. Just to say that the most hateful things anyone has ever said to me in my 43 years of life came from my mom. Not just rude, but purely hateful. So I will go on processing everything, and trying to lift my consciousness, my heart, my soul, to a clear level of existence. The best parts about this whole thing: 1) It has inspired me to go deeper and further into my spiritual evolution, study, practice, and meditation, and 2) I didn't fight back. I didn't send hate back. And I won't. I may not ever speak to her again, but I won't meet her hate with more hate.

I keep on keeping on. It has been 7 months now, and I am very happy to be keeping my commitments. Reviewing the whole list from the beginning of the year, the only two things that have stayed are 1) transmitting the Energy/Love every day for 12 minutes at a time, and 2) doing my spiritual breaths. The eating one meal a day and the rest fell away. Those were the two main ones that I wanted to keep going on.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 212

This has been the longest break from journaling in this blog and recording my journey, but I am very happy to report that I have channeled/communicated the Love/Energy every day into this Quantum Healing Exchange every day for 212 days. I am really happy about that. I have also not missed a single day of doing my inner, spiritual breaths taught to me in my spiritual tradition. I have made it 7 months of a long, 144 month journey. Wow.

There have been times in the last month that I was so tired and exhausted, and I was so busy with moving, that all I could do is just place my hands on the book and open the cells and atoms and just ask the Energy to flow. I have been having a lot of sneaking thoughts about quitting, criticizing this project, trying to think of something to replace it. But to honor the person who began this journey in the deep winter of 2009-2010, I will continue. I will press on. Day in and day out, for 12 minutes at a time, I will endure. Even when I don't want to. I will continue.

I will also try and check in more often.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165

I am so grateful for the power of Universal Love - and I am so grateful that I have communicated this Love into all the hearts, minds, souls, cells, atoms, of all those who are now contained here - for 165 days in a row. There have been times in the past month that I have felt like quitting, but I haven't. I am going strong in this daily 12 minute practice. I have also continued doing my mystical breaths - I am up to 48 breaths a day - which is really increasing my vibration dramatically.

I don't blog as much because we are moving, and my life is totally upside down. But this practice is keeping me tied to the Power of Universal Love. I feel great winds of change are blowing through my life - changes that feel good - I am hoping to experience a career transition that will allow me to get out of Kansas City and stay home a lot more. My dream job would be a healing practice - giving Reiki and Quantum Touch every day for a living - wow - would that be amazing or what!

Last year, I began this amazing 12 year journey - then made is 175 days and totally forgot to send the Love one day. Then the rest of the year I re-evaluated everything and started again on January 1, 2010. It has been an amazing 6 months so far. So much for having a year of "nothing going on!" Our lives are an incredible adventure!!

Ten more days and I will get past the 175 day mark... Yippee!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coming up for air

Wow... it has been since April 25, 2010 that I wrote anything in this blog. On April 30, we contracted to sell our home and to buy another one. Since then, it has been totally insane. I haven't missed a day of transmitting Love, or doing my breaths. I am feeling good about that. I want to write more, but I am a little insane. Moving is fun, and it isn't at the same time.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Breathe of Love (Day 115)

This week, I dedicate myself to losing myself in the Breathe of Love.

Breathing in, I open the cup of my heart like a flower turned up toward the sun. I pull my heart up into All Love Everywhere.

Breathing out, I pour Love, Light, Energy, Bliss, back down into my body, cells, atoms, and deeper - revealing to me the transparency of body and the true reality of who I am.

This week, I dedicate myself to taking these breaths - as many as I possibly can throughout the day and night. I pull my heart up into the Limitless Being of who I am with each deep breath in, and I shower myself with unconditional Love with each breath out.

Starting now: One full week of continuous LOVE-BREATHING.