Awakening the quantum resonance and flow of universal love to awakening the infinite nature of our beings and to bring balance and renewal to our earth
Channeling Universal Love and Life-Force Energy - through my open heart and relaxed hands - into the names, photos, intentions, goals, and dreams of others contained within the Universal Life-Force Energy Exchange - into the Quantum Field... and into all of life...
for 12 minutes every day....
and for 4,380 days in a row. (12 Years)
I will record, chronicle, and write about my inspirations and challenges along the way. I dedicate all the Energy I send to the immediate benefit of the greater good of all life.
Feel free to follow my blog and see if I can do this every day in a row for 12 years.
For more information about this Reiki Energy Prayer Exchange:
"Darkness may reign in a cave for thousands of years, but bring in the light, and the darkness vanishes as though it had never been..."
Paramahansa Yogananda
Sri Yogananda!
Great Ones
I invite and invoke the Presence of the Divine - perfectly expressed through all the Great Ones of All Religions and Traditions - into this Exchange. I paste their photos in my book, and every 12 minutes of Love I channel into this Exchange, goes to their infinite compassionate hearts. When we send our Love to these Great Ones, torrential downpours of Love return to us in kind.
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