Friday, April 16, 2010

beautiful, tear invoking session


That was wonderful. I just transmitted the Love into this Exchange, and into the hearts and minds of all contained here. I could really feel the Love flowing through my heart and hands this time. The tears are all the proof I need that the Love is reaching everyone in this book.

I am writing a "Receiving Divine Love" whispering affirmation audio. In this audio, affirmations are recorded as whispers, and they are designed to allow the listener to deeply decide and consent to receive the Love, Energy, and Light flowing through this Exchange. To let ourselves be Loved unconditionally - that I think is the most powerful thing we can do.

There is so much Love that the Divine is pouring into us. It is up to us to allow that in. And it is this Love that I ask to flow through my hands - not the energy of this body and mind - but the Energy of Divine Love - but the Universal Transcendent, Transpersonal that I ask to flow through me.

I feel an enormous well of clear enthusiastic light pouring forth.

And I am grateful.