This week, I dedicate myself to losing myself in the Breathe of Love.
Breathing in, I open the cup of my heart like a flower turned up toward the sun. I pull my heart up into All Love Everywhere.
Breathing out, I pour Love, Light, Energy, Bliss, back down into my body, cells, atoms, and deeper - revealing to me the transparency of body and the true reality of who I am.
This week, I dedicate myself to taking these breaths - as many as I possibly can throughout the day and night. I pull my heart up into the Limitless Being of who I am with each deep breath in, and I shower myself with unconditional Love with each breath out.
Starting now: One full week of continuous LOVE-BREATHING.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Breathe of Love (Day 115)
Posted by Daniel Sky at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
beautiful, tear invoking session
That was wonderful. I just transmitted the Love into this Exchange, and into the hearts and minds of all contained here. I could really feel the Love flowing through my heart and hands this time. The tears are all the proof I need that the Love is reaching everyone in this book.
I am writing a "Receiving Divine Love" whispering affirmation audio. In this audio, affirmations are recorded as whispers, and they are designed to allow the listener to deeply decide and consent to receive the Love, Energy, and Light flowing through this Exchange. To let ourselves be Loved unconditionally - that I think is the most powerful thing we can do.
There is so much Love that the Divine is pouring into us. It is up to us to allow that in. And it is this Love that I ask to flow through my hands - not the energy of this body and mind - but the Energy of Divine Love - but the Universal Transcendent, Transpersonal that I ask to flow through me.
I feel an enormous well of clear enthusiastic light pouring forth.
And I am grateful.
Posted by Daniel Sky at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Long break - I am back and...
So is my enthusiasm for this Exchange.
It has been awhile since I have reported in. It is now day 105, and I still have not missed a day this year. I am ecstatic about that. Every day, I have held this Exchange between my Hands of Love, and every day I have communicated the Divine Energy to all contained here.
For the past few weeks, I have gone through a period of frustration and discouragement around this whole process. Thoughts of giving up, closing down the blog, putting the book away, came into my mind more than once. I am glad I hung in there, because now I feel absolutely fantastic about what I am doing.
Posted by Daniel Sky at 2:30 PM 0 comments