Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 255

With a deep breath
a really long slow deep breath in
I open the cobwebs of my cells and atoms
and let go
release finally and completely
the illusion
the burden
the heaviness
the stories
of being a frail, limited physical body.
At the most expanded place of my inhaling breath
I witness the body with love
And I realize myself as the Omnipresent
Bird of Flight.

As I release the breath
I simultaneously drop body consciousness and fill the body with light.

As I feel the love I am
tears well

These tears are God's messages
telling me that S/He is

They are all the proof I need.


It's day 255. Haven't missed a day yet of transmitting Universal Love/Energy into the Exchange. Haven't missed a day yet of doing my spiritual breaths. This past month I have really dove deep into the teachings of my spiritual path, which is opening many, many doors of consciousness within me. I have experienced much growth, and I am deeply grateful for. Yet I am finding that, as I reach for higher states of consciousness, and really begin to feel connected with God/dess, the lower armies of consciousness come at me in force to try and drag me back down. But, I just keep on plugging. I will not give up. Day in and day out. I am learning patience.

We live in a smaller home now, and are more comfortable. I can't believe we haven't always lived here. It feels like it. The two boys are doing okay - save for meltdowns here and there - and my beautiful daughter - my black diamond from Ethiopia - is a miraculous presence in my life.